Where Do Pests Come From?

Pests such as ants, roaches, spiders and even termites enter homes through many different cracks and crevices. From the foundation of your home, to the plumbing lines of your home as well. This is why specifically, when you call Preferred Pest Management, we ask the most important question, which is where are you seeing your pest activity? This tells us 90% of what we need to know in order to create a plan to eliminate your pest issues. Example, you tell us that you are having a roach (waterbug) issue in your kitchen. This tells us that more than likely they are entering your home through a plumbing void such as under the kitchen sink, or possibly even an exterior door void, and they are coming in because they can sense there is moisture that is accessible in your home. Tip, if you are noticing random roach (waterbug) activity in a bathroom, kitchen, anywhere that a water source is nearby and you haven’t had any roaches in your home in a long time, you may have a water leak and it may be a good idea to have a plumbing company come out to confirm you do not have a plumbing issue. 

Other areas that pests can enter your home are windows and doors (including garage doors) that have seal issues, weepholes, other holes that can be created in your home from the home settling, wiring, to gas lines. Any void around your home pests can enter. Some of which so small that a human eye could not even spot. 

Easy ways to prevent pests from entering your home include: getting on a quarterly general pest control plan, Sealing up voids discussed in this blog, glue boards around larger voids such as garage doors, etc. WARNING: Do not seal weepholes as this can cause a moisture issue in your home. We suggest stuffing weepholes with Xcluder and we use it on our wildlife jobs as its very easy to stuff in weepholes and prevents pests as well as rodents.

If you need pest control services do not hesitate to reach out to your Preferred pest control company of the Dallas area Preferred Pest Management today so we can eliminate your pest control issues. 

-Griffin Thomas, Owner, Preferred Pest Management, Rowlett, Texas

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