Squirrel Removal: What it is and How it Works


Squirrels can be a nuisance in any home or property, and squirrel removal is an important step to take if you are experiencing problems. But what exactly is squirrel removal? How does it work? In this blog we will explore these questions and more as we discuss the basics of squirrel removal, including prevention tips to keep your home free from future infestations. We’ll also look at common entry points for squirrels in homes and buildings, so that you can have all the information necessary before considering professional assistance with removing them from your property. So join us now as we answer “squirrel removal – what is it and how does it work?”

Table of Contents:

What is Squirrel Removal?

Squirrel removal is the process of removing squirrels from homes and buildings. It involves identifying the type of squirrel, determining how they are entering your home or property, and safely trapping them to be relocated away from your home. Professional pest control companies offer a variety of services for effective squirrel removal that can help keep your family safe and prevent further damage to your property.

Definition of Squirrel Removal

Squirrel removal is the process of trapping and relocating nuisance wildlife such as squirrels from homes or other structures. This process should only be done by experienced professionals who have been trained in humane animal handling techniques. Professionals will use specialized traps designed specifically for capturing wild animals without harming them, then relocate them far enough away so they cannot return to the same area again.

Benefits of Professional Squirrel Removal Services

Squirrel removal

Hiring a professional pest control company for squirrel removal offers many benefits over attempting DIY methods at home. Professionals have access to more advanced tools and equipment than what you may find at a local hardware store, which allows them to remove any size infestation quickly and efficiently with minimal disruption to you or your family’s daily life.

Additionally, these experts know exactly where common entry points are located on buildings so they can seal off potential areas where future infestations could occur if not addressed properly right away.

Finally, hiring an expert ensures that all safety precautions are taken during the entire process; this includes wearing protective gear when dealing with wild animals as well as using proper disposal techniques after capture has occurred in order to reduce risk of disease transmission between humans and wildlife species like rodents or birds that may also be present in an area being treated for pests like squirrels.

Types Of Squirrels Commonly Removed

Grey Squirrels

Grey squirrels are the most commonly seen type of squirrel in North America. These animals have grey fur with white bellies and long bushy tails. They prefer to live in trees but will also take shelter in attics or other enclosed spaces if they find an opening into a building.

Grey squirrels typically feed on nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, fungi and insects but may also eat bird eggs or nestlings when available.

Red Squirrels

Red squirrels are smaller than their grey counterparts and have reddish-brown fur with white bellies and short tails. They tend to live alone rather than in groups like grey squirrels do so they’re less likely to invade homes in masse as some other species might do.

Red squirrels primarily feed on tree buds, nuts and seeds but may also consume insects or bird eggs when necessary for survival during winter months when food is scarce.

Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels get their name from their ability to glide through the air using skin flaps between their front legs and hind legs which act like wings allowing them to travel distances up to 150 feet!

These small rodents usually measure around 8 inches long including their tail which is usually grayish brown with lighter underbellies just like red or grey squirrel species mentioned above; however flying squirrels lack the bushy tail characteristic of those two species instead having flat tails similar in shape & size as mice’s tails .

Their diet consists mainly of nuts & seeds although they may occasionally supplement it with fruits , mushrooms , bark & even bird eggs if available .

Key Takeaway:

The key takeaway from the above is that professional squirrel removal services offer many benefits, such as access to advanced tools and equipment, knowledge of common entry points for infestations, and safety precautions taken during the process.

How Does Squirrel Removal Work?

Squirrel removal is a process that requires knowledge and skill to be done safely and effectively. Professional pest control companies are trained in the proper techniques for removing squirrels from homes or other buildings. The steps involved in the process of removing squirrels include inspection, trapping, exclusion, and cleanup.


A thorough inspection of the property must be conducted to identify potential entry points for squirrels as well as areas where they may have caused damage. This step is important because it helps determine what type of traps should be used and where they should be placed for maximum effectiveness.


Once potential entry points have been identified, traps can then be set up around those areas to capture any squirrels that may still remain on the property. Traps come in various sizes and types depending on the species being targeted; some common types include live-traps, cage-traps, glue boards, snap traps, etc. It’s important to note that all trapped animals must be handled with care according to local laws and regulations regarding wildlife management.

squirrel in live trap

Tips When Attempting Squirrel Removal:

While preventing squirrels from entering your home from the start with a rodent exclusion service, the second best way to achieve success in squirrel removal is catching the activity early. Early squirrel removal helps achieve many things which include: limiting the risk of requiring a dead animal removal service which can be very expensive. Preventing baby squirrels from being born in your attic during the squirrel nesting season, as well as increasing odds of a more humane squirrel removal service being possible, due to being able to use a one-way trap where the squirrel originally entered your home, while performing a squirrel exclusion service to get the new invader out of your home, while sealing the remaining entry points up to ensure it doesn’t find a new way back in (and potentially trap itself).

After all remaining squirrels have been removed from the property via trapping methods, exclusion measures can then begin in order to prevent re-entry into your home or building. This includes sealing off any potential entry points such as holes or cracks in walls/ceilings/floors/etc., trimming back tree branches near windows/doors/rooflines so there are no direct pathways leading into your home or building, and installing chimney caps if needed (if you have a fireplace).

Key Takeaway:

Key takeaway: Squirrel removal requires knowledge and skill, including inspection, trapping, exclusion, and cleanup.

Prevention Tips to Keep Your Home Free from Squirrels in the Future

exclusion repair

Exclusion Techniques to Prevent Re-entry of Squirrels into Your Home or Property:

Exclusion techniques are the most effective way to keep squirrels out of your home. Start by inspecting the exterior of your house for any possible entry points, such as cracks in walls, gaps around windows and doors, or holes in soffits and fascia boards. Seal off these areas with caulk or steel wool to prevent squirrels from entering. Additionally, trim back tree branches that hang over your roofline and install chimney caps on all flues to further discourage access. Some exclusion services may require the assistance of wildlife specialists.

If you live in the Dallas, TX area and are dealing with any wildlife problem, Preferred Pest Management is here to help 7 days a week. We have proudly serviced the DFW metro since 2020 and are wildlife specialists with a combined 15+ years of experience in providing squirrel exclusion services, and we guarantee we can solve your squirrel problem. To learn more about our squirrel exclusion and squirrel trapping service, CLICK HERE.

Ways to Make Your Home Unattractive to Squirrels and Other Pests:

To make sure pests don’t find a comfortable place at your home, it is important to eliminate potential food sources like bird feeders and outdoor pet dishes. Store firewood away from the house since this can be an attractive nesting spot for rodents. Keep shrubs trimmed away from the foundation of your home so there aren’t any hiding spots near entry points either. Finally, make sure you clean up any fallen fruit from trees regularly as this can attract many types of wildlife including squirrels.

Regular maintenance is key when it comes to preventing infestations before they start. Inspecting both inside and outside your home every few months will help you catch small problems before they become bigger ones down the road. Check for signs of gnaw marks on wires or other materials that could indicate a rodent problem, look for droppings which may point towards an insect issue, check vents for blockages, inspect attic spaces etc. Additionally, if you notice any changes in behavior among pets such as excessive scratching or barking then this could be a sign that something isn’t quite right.

Key Takeaway:

Key takeaway: Regular maintenance and exclusion techniques are key to preventing pest infestations. Tips include sealing off entry points, trimming back tree branches, installing chimney caps, eliminating food sources and cleaning up fallen fruit.

Common Entry Points for Squirrels in Homes and Buildings

Squirrels are a common pest in many homes and buildings. They can cause significant damage to property, as well as carry diseases that can be harmful to humans. It is important to identify potential entry points for squirrels so they can be sealed off before an infestation occurs.

Identifying Potential Entry Points for Squirrels:

The first step in preventing a squirrel infestation is identifying potential entry points around your home or building. Look for any cracks, holes, or gaps that may provide access into the structure of your home or building. Pay special attention to areas near power lines, trees, and other places where squirrels may have easy access to roofs and attics.

Squirrel damages

Common Areas Where Squirels Enter Homes and Buildings:

Squirrels often enter homes through chimneys, vents, rooflines, attic openings, door frames with loose seals or weather stripping, broken windowsills/screens/shutters/panels etc., damaged siding boards/soffits/fascia boards etc., open garage doors or pet doors left unattended during the day etc..

Once you have identified all possible entry points for squirrels on your property, it is time to seal them off properly using materials such as caulk and steel wool (or similar products). Ensure that these materials are applied correctly so they form an effective barrier against future intrusions from pests like squirrels. Additionally, make sure all exterior doors are kept closed when not in use and check regularly for signs of damage caused by chewing animals such as rodents or birds which could also provide access into your home or building if left unchecked.

Key Takeaway:

To prevent a squirrel infestation, identify potential entry points and seal them off with caulk and steel wool. Check for signs of damage from rodents or birds, keep exterior doors closed when not in use, and check regularly for intrusions.

Professional Assistance with Removing Squirels from Your Home or Property

When Should You Seek Professional Help with Removing Squirels?

If you have noticed signs of a squirell infestation in your home or property, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Signs of an infestation include droppings (squirrel poop), gnaw marks on wood and other materials, and hearing noises coming from the attic or walls. A professional pest control company can provide safe and effective removal services that will eliminate the problem quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Pest Control Company:

There are many benefits to hiring a professional pest control company for squirrel removal services.

Professionals have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely remove squirrels from your home without causing any damage or harm to them. They also use specialized tools and equipment that allow them to access hard-to-reach areas where squirrels may be hiding. Additionally, they can provide advice on how best to prevent future infestations by sealing off potential entry points into your home or property.

Key Takeaway:

Hiring a professional pest control company for squirrel removal services is beneficial as they have the experience and tools necessary to safely remove them, while also providing advice on how to prevent future infestations. Benefits include: – Safe & effective removal – Specialized tools & equipment – Prevention tips

FAQs in Relation to Squirrel Removal, What is it and How Does it Work?

How do professionals get rid of squirrels?

Squirrels can be difficult to remove from a property, but there are several methods professionals use to get rid of them. Trapping is the most common method used by pest control professionals. Traps should be placed in areas where squirrels have been seen or heard and baited with food that they find attractive. Use of a one-way trap is the most effective way to remove a squirrel once it has already entered your home. Repellents such as noise makers, flashing lights, and scent deterrents may also be used to drive away squirrels from an area. If these methods fail, professional exterminators may use poison bait or fumigation to eradicate the problem.

How does a humane squirrel trap work?

Humane squirrel traps are designed to capture and contain squirrels without harming them. They typically consist of a cage-like structure with an opening that is large enough for the animal to enter, but not large enough for it to escape. Inside the trap is usually bait such as nuts or seeds, which attracts the squirrel into the cage. Once inside, a spring-loaded door closes behind them, preventing their escape until they can be safely relocated away from your property.

Humane traps provide an effective way of removing nuisance wildlife while still allowing them to live out their lives in peace and safety elsewhere. It is important to check the trap(s) you set out at least twice a day, to make sure if a squirrel has been caught that you can relocate it in a timely manner. This is especially important if there is a possibility of baby squirrels being in your home, as they can die very quickly in a trap.

How does preferred pest management remove squirrels?

How does Preferred Pest Management get rid of squirrels?

Preferred Pest Management uses a variety of methods to get rid of squirrels, depending on the situation. For example, exclusion is often used to prevent squirrels from entering an area in the first place. This involves sealing up any entry points and using one-way traps or other devices that allow squirrels to exit but not reenter. Traps can also be set with bait to capture and remove individual animals, as previously discussed.


Squirrel removal is a necessary step to take when squirrels have entered your home or property. It can be done in several ways, such as trapping and relocation, exclusion methods, or extermination (by owner).

To prevent future infestations of squirrels it is important to identify common entry points and seal them off with appropriate materials. If you are unable to remove the squirrels yourself then it may be best to contact a professional pest control service for assistance with squirrel removal – what is it and how does it work? With their help you can ensure that your home remains free from these pesky critters!

Do you have squirrels taking up residence in your home or business? Don’t wait for them to cause costly damage. Contact Preferred Pest Management now and let us provide the best solutions for removing these pests from your property. We offer a variety of services such as trapping, exclusion work, and more so that we can find the right solution tailored to fit your needs. Let our experts take care of it today!

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