

Are you worried about carpenter ants invading your Rowlett home? Carpenter ants can cause serious damage to the structure of your house, so it’s important to know how to identify them and take steps towards preventing an infestation.

You may have seen some tell-tale signs that suggest they’ve already made their way in – but don’t worry. With a few prevention tips and professional help from pest control experts, you’ll be able to keep these pesky pests away for good.

In this article we will discuss what are carpenter ants, how do you tell if there is an infestation in your home, prevention tips for keeping them out of Rowlett homes as well as the benefits of hiring a professional pest control company for carpenter ant control in Rowlett.

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What are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are large, black ants that can be found in many parts of the world. They get their name from their habit of hollowing out wood to create nests and galleries for their colonies. Identification is key when it comes to carpenter ants as they can easily be mistaken for other species such as odorous house ants or pavement ants.

ant control

Carpenter ant workers range in size from 3/8”-1/2” long and have a single node between the thorax and abdomen. The head, thorax, and abdomen may also appear segmented due to the presence of spines on each section.

Habits and Behaviors:

Carpenter ants are social insects that live in large colonies with multiple queens which can contain thousands of individuals at any given time. They feed primarily on sweet substances like honeydew produced by aphids or sugary foods like fruit juice but will also eat proteins such as dead insects or small animals if necessary.

Carpenter ant colonies typically nest outdoors in moist wood such as rotting tree stumps, logs, or fence posts but will occasionally move indoors during periods of drought or heavy rains when outdoor conditions become unfavorable for them to survive.

Carpenter ants can be destructive to your home, so it’s important to identify them and know the signs of an infestation. To learn more about how to keep these pests out of your Rowlett home, read on for information about identifying and spotting signs of an infestation.

Key Takeaway: Carpenter ants are large, black ants with segmented bodies that live in large colonies and feed on sweet substances and proteins. To keep them out of your home, inspect the exterior for moist wood and seal any potential entry points.

Signs of an Infestation in Your Home

Sightings of Carpenter Ants:

One of the most common signs of a carpenter ant infestation is seeing the ants themselves. These large, black or reddish-black ants are often seen foraging around your home in search of food and water. They may be found indoors near windowsills, door frames, baseboards, and other areas where moisture is present. Outdoors they can be seen on trees, logs, stumps and other wood sources that provide them with shelter.

Damaged Wood Structures:

Carpenter ants don’t eat wood like termites do; instead they create tunnels inside it to make their nests. This tunneling weakens the structure of wooden beams or joists in your home which can lead to costly repairs if left untreated. You may also notice sawdust piles outside these tunnels as well as small holes in walls or furniture where carpenter ants have been entering or exiting from their nest sites.

If you find any such debris it could indicate a possible infestation, so it is important to contact a pest control professional right away for further inspection and treatment options before more damage occurs to your home’s structure.

It is important to be aware of the signs of an infestation in your home, as this can help you take steps to prevent a problem from occurring. Next, we will discuss prevention tips for keeping carpenter ants out of your Rowlett home.

Carpenter ants can damage wood structures in your home. Look for sawdust piles & small holes to spot an infestation. Contact a pest control professional right away. #pestcontrol #termitecontrol #rowletthome Click to Tweet

Prevention Tips to Keep Carpenter Ants Out of Your Home

Carpenter ants are a common household pest that can cause significant damage to your home if left unchecked. To prevent an infestation, it is important to take steps to keep these pests out of your home in the first place. Here are some tips for preventing carpenter ant infestations:

Seal Cracks and Openings Around the Exterior of Your Home: Carpenter ants need access points into your home, so it’s important to seal any cracks or openings around the exterior walls and foundation of your house. Make sure all windows and doors close tightly and caulk any gaps or holes you find. It’s also a good idea to inspect weather stripping around windows and doors regularly for signs of wear or damage that could provide entry points for carpenter ants.

Store Firewood Away from the House and Off the Ground: Firewood is often a favorite nesting spot for carpenter ants, so make sure you store firewood away from your house at least 20 feet away, preferably on a raised platform off the ground. If possible, cover wood piles with plastic tarps as well since this will help keep them dry which discourages ant activity in general.

Remove Stumps, Dead Trees, and Other Sources of Moisture Near Your Home: Carpenter ants love moist environments so be sure to remove stumps near your home as well as dead trees or other sources of moisture such as leaky pipes or clogged gutters that may attract them inside. Keeping vegetation trimmed back from your house can also help reduce potential hiding spots for these pests near entrances like doorways or windowsills where they might gain access indoors more easily.

By following these prevention tips, you can help ensure that carpenter ants do not become an unwelcome guest in your Rowlett home.

Taking preventative measures to protect your home from carpenter ants is essential. Following the steps outlined above can help keep them out of your Rowlett home. For more information on how to deal with a carpenter ant infestation, read on for professional treatment options.

Key Takeaway: To prevent carpenter ant infestations, it is important to seal any cracks or openings around the exterior of your home, store firewood away from the house and off the ground, and remove stumps, dead trees and other sources of moisture near your home.

Professional Treatment for Carpenter Ants in Rowlett Homes

When it comes to carpenter ant control in Rowlett homes, professional pest control services are the best option. A pest control professional will begin with an inspection and assessment of your home to determine the extent of the infestation. They can then recommend a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Treatment options may include baiting, spraying insecticides, or using dusts and aerosols for targeted areas. The technician will also provide advice on how to prevent future infestations by sealing cracks and openings around the exterior of your home, storing firewood away from the house and off the ground, removing stumps and dead trees near your home, etc.

pest control service

Follow-up visits are essential for complete eradication of carpenter ants in Rowlett homes as they can be difficult pests to eliminate completely without ongoing monitoring. During follow-up visits, a pest control professional will inspect for signs of activity such as sightings of carpenter ants or damaged wood structures like piles of sawdust or wood shavings left behind by their nest building activities. If any new activity is detected during these inspections, additional treatments may be necessary until all signs have been eliminated from your property.

For Rowlett homeowners, professional treatment for carpenter ants is the most effective way to get rid of an infestation. Hiring a pest control company can provide additional benefits that are not available to consumers, such as access to advanced products and guaranteed results with follow-up visits.

Key Takeaway: Professional pest control services are the best way to get rid of carpenter ants in Rowlett homes. Treatment options may include baiting, spraying insecticides, or using dusts and aerosols for targeted areas. Prevention tips include sealing cracks and openings around the exterior of your home, storing firewood away from the house and off the ground, removing stumps and dead trees near your home etc.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Pest Control Company for Carpenter Ant Control in Rowlett Homes

Hiring a professional pest control company for carpenter ant control in Rowlett homes is the best way to ensure that your home is free of these destructive pests. Professional exterminators have the expertise and experience necessary to identify and treat carpenter ant infestations quickly and effectively. They also have access to advanced products not available to consumers, such as baits, sprays, dusts, and other specialized treatments designed specifically for carpenter ants.

Exterminators can provide an inspection of your home to determine where the ants are nesting or entering from outside. Once they’ve identified the source of the problem, they can recommend a treatment plan tailored specifically for your situation. This may include applying insecticides around windowsills and doorframes; treating cracks in walls; sealing entry points; removing stumps or dead trees near your home; or using baits inside wall voids or other hard-to-reach areas where carpenter ants nest.

Professional exterminators also offer guaranteed results with follow-up visits if needed after initial treatment has been completed. If you continue to see signs of an infestation after treatment has been applied, they will come back out at no additional cost until all evidence of activity has been eliminated from your property. This ensures that any remaining colonies are completely eradicated so you don’t have to worry about future problems down the road.

Key Takeaway: Hiring a professional pest control company is the best way to keep carpenter ants out of your Rowlett home. They can identify and treat infestations, apply insecticides around entry points, remove stumps or dead trees near your home, and use baits inside wall voids. Plus they offer guaranteed results with follow-up visits if needed.

FAQs in Relation to What Are Carpenter Ants and How to Keep Them Out of Your Rowlett Home

What will keep carpenter ants away?

The best way to keep carpenter ants away is to eliminate any sources of food, water, and shelter that they may be attracted to. Remove any standing water or debris from around your home. Seal up any cracks or crevices in the walls, foundation, windowsills, and doors where they can enter. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your house and keep it elevated off the ground. Regularly inspect for signs of infestation such as sawdust piles near wood structures and discard any rotting wood on your property. Finally, contact a professional pest control service if you suspect an infestation or need help with prevention methods.

How do I protect my house from carpenter ants?

Carpenter ants can be a nuisance in homes, but there are steps you can take to protect your house from them. Start by sealing any cracks or crevices on the outside of your home that could provide an entry point for carpenter ants. Additionally, keep firewood and other wood sources away from the foundation of your home as this is where they often nest. Finally, regularly inspect areas such as windowsills and door frames for signs of ant activity and contact a pest control professional if needed. With these measures in place, you should be able to effectively protect your house from carpenter ants.

How do I find a carpenter ant nest in my house?

Carpenter ants typically nest in damp, decaying wood. They may also build nests in insulation or foam board. To find a carpenter ant nest, look for sawdust-like material near windows and doors, as well as other areas where there is moisture. Also check around baseboards and any wooden structures such as decks or porches that are close to the house. If you suspect an infestation, contact a pest control professional for help identifying and treating the problem.

What causes carpenter ant infestation?

Carpenter ants are attracted to moist wood, so they often infest homes and buildings that have moisture problems. This could be due to leaking roofs or pipes, poor drainage around the foundation of a building, or high humidity levels inside the home. Carpenter ants also nest in decaying trees and stumps near a structure, which can provide easy access for them into the home. Once inside, carpenter ants will feed on wood and other materials like insulation and foam board.


Carpenter ants can be a nuisance and cause significant damage to your Rowlett home if left unchecked. Taking the necessary steps to prevent an infestation is key, but it’s also important to know when professional help is needed. Hiring a pest control company for carpenter ant control in Rowlett homes offers many benefits such as peace of mind knowing that the job will be done right and quickly. With their expertise, they can identify any potential issues and provide effective solutions so you don’t have to worry about carpenter ants in your home again.

If you live in Rowlett and are worried about carpenter ants invading your home, then Preferred Pest Management is the solution for you. Our experienced technicians use proven methods to help identify and eradicate these destructive pests from your property quickly and safely. We can also provide long-term protection through our customized pest control plans tailored specifically to fit your needs. Check out our pest control Rowlett, TX page for more information on our pest control services near you today.